Free e-books from accelerated reader
Click ‘Start reading’
Click the funnel symbol and browse the genres – e books
For Uk books that are available for quizzing click the search then the funnel symbol again.
There are 997 UK books. The others available to read are from America and you cannot quiz on them but you can still access the ebooks.
Click the magnifying glass to search and the books should appear beneath.
You can click read to access the ebooks or info which tells you the ZPP level (ATOS).
Once you have read and you would like to quiz if you are in Year 2 or above, you will ned to log in to Accelerated Reader: Follow this link and choose student to input your log in details.
You must only use this link as it links to our school.
Then you can search the book and quiz, just like you do at school.
If you are in FS1/2 and Year 1, follow the above guidance to access the free ebooks and enjoy. These are also audio so you can listen to th
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Mrs Costa