Part of

All Saints Catholic Collegiate






With respect for God and united in Faith, we place service before self to inspire hearts and minds.

By achieving together through love and faith, we place Christ at the centre of all we do.

ACHIEVE           TOGETHER             FAITH


We as a Catholic learning community, strive to ‘Achieve Together in Love and Faith’ where Christ is at the centre of our mission. We pride ourselves on the ‘family’ atmosphere and culture of our school. This culture is firmly embedded, enabling children of all faiths, abilities and personalities to thrive and succeed.


Our curriculum is designed to be ambitious and provide opportunities for pupils to be ready for further and higher education and the world of work. The ambitious National Curriculum statutory content provides the foundations for all subject areas and is enhanced through career opportunities and pupil leadership. Our curriculum design ensures pupils learning is progressive through development of specific skills and knowledge across all subjects.  Above all reading, writing and maths underpin all areas of learning to allow our pupils to ACHIEVE well.

TOGETHER  in strong partnership we work with our families, local community and stakeholders in promoting responsible citizens and pupils who show initiative and leadership potential. Through following the teachings of the Gospel and our JIGSAW personal, social and health education curriculum all learners thrive. This is further supported by our extensive mental health and well being provision. This is a strength of our school community.

Through fostering a LOVE of learning alongside our LOVE for each other and our school community pupils take an active role in contributing to the school at all levels, from playground leaders and spiritual leaders to our school council.  By placing Christ at the centre of our ambitious learning community our curriculum ensures pupils are developed for their future.